Mental Health Awareness Day

Monday, November 21, 2016


Today (or at least it is in college) is Mental Health Awareness day, some of you may think that this is the same as world mental health day but it's not. This a day to encourage us all to have more consideration and take the time to learn about mental health. For example, do you know what the difference between mental illness and mental health is?

Our college Equality and Diversity group made the yellow ribbons pictured above, wearing one of these or even just something yellow is a signifier that we all support today. Being ignorant to this isn't going to help anyone, we need to come together to help people get more of an understanding about things to do with mental health.

You may know someone with issues or you may not, why does it matter? Surely helping raise awareness for something so important is what matters. Mental health is something that was mistreated in the past and now, even though we've moved on in modern society, it still has a stigma. That's wrong. Just because a person has suffered from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or anything else doesn't make them an alien. They'll always be a person.

Although we may just think that mental health effects the mind. It effects peoples lifestyles, their friends, their family and their well being. It can be just as draining as any physical illness and just because you can't visually see what's wrong with people this doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.

I'm not going too much, in fact I'm ending this post now. I know Mental Health Day is almost over but I wanted to show my support and encourage you to do the same.

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