World Mental Health Day

Monday, October 10, 2016

Today, as I'm sure you'll know is World Mental Health Day. The theme this year is psychological first aid and the support people can provide to those in distress. People don't realise how mental health issues, whatever they may be, touches everyone in some way. From dementia to depression, it's all sad and something we should all help raise awareness for. To sit down and talk to someone is a daunting, what you have or think you have is a deep dark secret locked in a box somewhere in your mine. It's with you 24/7, you can't get rid of it.

I think a lot of people find mental health problems as a subject a touchy topic, I mean there's always a type of person on your Facebook wall that posts a status about feeling depressed- when actually they're probably feeling a little sad. By saying this I don't mean to offend, it's just that if you have a mental health issue you're not going to shout it from the rooftops are you?

Moving on, I know a lot of people with mental health issues find the thought of talking to someone really scary, that's okay. If you read this, you're one of these people, I just want to convey that it may be horrifying but it's the best thing to do. I'm speaking from personal experience, you aren't alone in this! Tell someone and it'll get better.

The irritating thing is that not only are people afraid to speak up because it's personal, others judging them must be one of the most nerve racking thing of all. I can only imagine what must go through their heads;

"What will they think of me?"

"Will they treat me different?"

"What's going to happen?"

"How do I get through this?"

This is what I find most annoying, people shouldn't have to be worried about these things. They should put themselves first and everyone else behind them, at this day in age no one should be anxious about how anyone will judge them if they have a mental health issue or any other issue for that matter! It doesn't make them any different, they get sad or they'll forget things etc etc but deep down they're in there. Alternatively they're creating a new Bob or Bill, starting fresh for the better.

Honestly, you shouldn't care. I know what you're thinking- easy for you to say Beck, it's never happened to you. Yes, I understand,  but if someone doesn't accept you for who you are can you still call them a friend. Anyone who truly loved you would support you no matter what.

To finish I just wanted to write this blog post to make anyone in the dark aware that every year 10th October is World Mental Health Day. Whether it's effected you directly or not, let's all band together to do as much as we can to support a wonderful cause.

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